Cell Phone Affects
GET OFF YOUR PHONE!Screamed the angry mother to her son who was on his phone at the dinner table, being anti-social. This scene with the mother screaming at her son because he`s being anti-social, but communicating to his friend`s at the dinner table is normal now. Families all across the globe have been turning anti-social to each other. Family time has almost been wiped out, brothers and sisters are arguing with each other, parents are arguing with each other from no communication. Cell phones make us anti-social but helps us communicate with each other.
Phones have also advanced us in communication so far that talking around the world is as simple as pressing a few buttons. Sure a simple young middle school student has the capability of talking to a family member or a friend that lives across the country. Phones have also transformed us into anti-social, I don’t want to talk to you, get away from me moods. A family that was once grown together and had tight relationships would now be spread out and not talking to each other. Cell phones have just about everything you can do on them. It ranges from just texting and talking to shopping for food on Amazon, playing games that have been downloaded onto our phones. If only there was an app to show you to put down your phone and go outside and play with a non-electric friend. It`s not just the texting and talking;it`s also the apps that pull in that elementary student that is rejected by others and so he does nothing but play games. When instead he could go search for some friends to make. On the other hand cell phones are great for parents and their children, for when the son wants to go somewhere else in the store the parents can keep in contact with him. Cell phones have been of great use for people all around the world. Doesn’t matter if you`re an elementary student that`s only 10 years old living in Texas calling to a friend in Florida, it`s something that can easily be done pressing a few buttons. Therefore,cell phones help us communicate with each other,but also distract us from each other making us antisocial to the world.
The world has cell phones, house phones, and smartphones. Cell phones and smartphones are distractions that rip us apart from each other.Therefore, cell phones cell phones make us anti-social, but helps us communicate with each other.